Please email for other decals ( See link Below) Shipping Inclusive £12.00 Each CHECK THE LINK BELOW FOR OTHER GIBSON DECALS THESE ARE MADE FROM 2 MM THICK VULCAN FIBRE WITH MOP INLAYS AND LOGOS NOW AVILABE WITHOUT TUNER HOLES, LP59 AND SG/ES HISTORIC SIZE ONLY REMOVING THE OLD OVERLAY Simply use a steam iron, damp cloth and putty knife as shown below (pictures courtesy of customer BrianB. Gibson 58' Raised Logo Gold hard to find! High gloss gold chromed! £69.00 £69.00 LP Model waterslide decal also available state preference in check out note. Quanities £45.00 Crown Inlay real Mother of Pearl - Buy online only with a logo, otherwise email to order individually £13.00. £49.00 *NEW* Early/Mid 50's correct Vintage Inlay, real MOP 1.2mm thickness One of many details that makes it so special is the fully replicated period correct font. End 50's correct Vintage Inlay, real MOP 1.2mm thickness The most widely recognized late 59 logo is available in ltd. £49.00 Small size 59 Historics and reissues, some Studios. I will be ordering some more from you in the near future.' Ryan Kliciak Calgary, Alberta, Canada - LP Pegasus overlay, LP Custom Split Diamond overlay & LP 59 Historic overlay Click on Overlay Images to Enlarge and See Full Dimmensions Current size, suitable for Standards.Specials, BFG, Menace,Traditional etc. I will try it again and this time rub something into the cracks because as someone has said, the lacquer seems to have 'healed' over and so I can't see.

Rather than leaving it in the sunshine, I know som reliquers heat the guitar with a hairdryer before applying the freeze spray to make the difference. All I can say is WOW! They are a fantastic product and I was kind of wondering if the price was worth it, but yes it is. 'I just got the headstock overlays this past Friday. Shipping to US/Canada is usually around 7-10 working days. You will be advised of a tracking number when the item is shipped. Shipping is a flate rate to all countries, Worldwide Shipping Europe/US/Canada/AUS - £8.00 including combined quantities. Payment by Paypal or credit card, choose your option at the checkout. Please email me if you experience any order or checkout problems. Small head LP with Crown small head 58 V. ® PLEASE EMAIL ME YOU ARE UNSURE OF WHICH OVERLAY IS SUITABLE FOR YOUR PROJECT HOWEVER CHECK DIMMENSIONS BY CLICKING ON THE OVERLAY IMAGE FIRST 60-70's large head with Crown Inlay LP Custom LP Std. These are for restoration purposes only on original models Croxguitars do not condone the use of these overlays on any other make of guitar other than Gibson. NOS (new old stock) Gibson ® Headstock overlays.factory leftover when they moved to Nashville.

Headstock Overlays and MOP Inlays O rignal.